Q. Please tell us about your journey toward applying to Baylor's JPR&NM graduate program.
A. Writing has been a hobby for me ever since working a summer in New Mexico during college many years ago. I had always wanted to pursue a writing degree at Baylor post-graduate and never found the time. Last fall, I finally gave in and took Journalism 2303 Reporting and Writing for Media under Eric Eckert. I really enjoyed the class and wanted to continue my studies. He suggested grad school, and here I am.
Q. What has particularly attracted you to Baylor’s JPR&NM graduate program?
A. Living in Waco and working for Baylor obviously plays a role in terms of convenience, but I also appreciate the flexibility in terms of degree track and electives since I am new to the world of journalism and sort of feeling my way forward.
Q. What are your long-term goals?
A. Using my degree in some compacity for Baylor is something I would strongly consider down the road. I also really appreciated a commentary in my Reporting and Writing for Media book last fall that extolled the virtues of writing for local outlets. I like the idea of being plugged into the local community to produce something meaningful and newsworthy.
Q. Are there any specific research areas that interest you?
A. Not at this time but I am sure as I get more exposure to coursework I will discover many interesting topics.
Q. What is some advice that you wish you could have given your younger self?
A. Recognize your love for writing and find a way to make money doing it.
Q. What undergraduate class prepared you most for living on a deserted island?
A. Can I remember back that far? Let’s see…Maybe American Constitutional Development. If I’m going to go crazy and elect myself president of this island, then I want a sound government in place to protect it. Either that or Volleyball. Wilson!!!!!!!